Aldo Lauria Santiago y Jordana Dym


Bibliografía de relatos de viaje y descripciones sobre Centroamérica


Rutgers University (EE.UU.)

Skidmore College (EE.UU.)


Los relatos de viaje son un género complejo que comenzó recién empezada la conquista española de la región.  Desafortunadamente, muchas de las descripciones de visitantes a la región de la época colonial permanecen inéditos en archivos.  Con la independencia, Centroamérica se (re)convirtió en un destino para exploradores, aventureros,  arqueólogos, naturistas, misioneros, comerciantes y diplomáticos Europeos.  Muy pronto después viajeros y visitantes estadounidenses comenzaron a viajar por la región y con la creación del ferrocarril ístmico en Panamá y la expansión norteamericana en California se consolidó un patrón que continuó hasta la expansión imperial estadounidense en la región a comienzos del siglo XX.

Tanto hombres como mujeres describieron las ruinas mayas, los volcanes, las lluvias, y las costumbres locales y medios de transporte de la región. Aunque algunos visitaron sólo un país y en algunos casos sólo un puerto o ciudad, muchos lograron hacer recorridos extensos y proveyeron descripciones tanto útiles como problemáticas.

Esta bibliografía incluye descripciones de viajeros a Centroamérica desde el siglo XVII hasta el siglo XX. Incluye, cuando posible, la versión original y las versiones traducidas. En algunos casos hemos incluidos textos que son ambiguos como texto de viajeros y más bien son estudios de segunda mano pero con alguna experiencia personal de trasfondo. La bibliografía está dividida en dos secciones: libros y artículos. La de artículos es más breve dado la mayor dificultad en localizar recuentos de este tipo en revistas cuyo contenido no está incluido en bases de datos contemporáneos.

La gran mayoría de estos artículos están disponibles en

Alexander, Sir James Edward, 1833: Transatlantic sketches, comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in North and South America, and the West Indies. Londres, R. Bentley.

Allen, Bird, and Richard Owen, 1841: “Sketch of the eastern coast of Central America,” Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. 11, 1841.

Alonso Dumartray y Pedro Rouhaud, 1833: Opúsculo sobre la Republica de Centro-América particularmente sobre los Estados de Nicaragua y Costa Rica, con un mapa de ambos estados.  Paris: Libreria Americana.

Anino C., J., 1894: La Republica de Guatemala, América Central. Guatemala.

Annales Des Voyages, de la Géographie, de l’Histoire et de l’Archéologie: 1819. Paris: Gide fils [etc.].

Anónimo (oficial al servicio de W. Walker), 1856: The destiny of Nicaragua: Central America as it was, is and may be. Boston: S.A. Bent & Co.

Appelius, Mario, 1933: Le terre che tremano, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costarica, Panama. Milano: Edizioni "Alpes", 1930; Verona: A. Mondadori.

Astaburuaga, Franicsco S., 1857: Repúblicas de Centro América o idea de su historia i de su estado actual. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta del Ferrocarril.

Atwater, Mary Meigs, 1946: Guatemala visited, February-March, 1946. Basin, Mont.

Aube, Th., 1877: Notes sur le Centre-Amérique. Paris: Beger-Levrault et Cir.

Babson, Roger. Ward, 1921: A Central American Journey. Yonkers, N.Y.: World Book Co.

Baggerman, William Francis, 1947: Driving to Managua, Nicaragua?: (A guide to the PanAmerican highway through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua), St. Louis, Chicago [etc.] Planographed by John S. Swift Co.

Bagot, A. G., 1947: Sport and Travel in India and Central America. Londres: Chapman & Hall, Ltd.

Baily, John, 1850: Central America: Describing Each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; Their Natural Features, Products, Population, and Remarkable Capacity for Colonization, Londres: T Saunders.

Baily, John, trans. 1823: A statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America, Londres: J Hearne.

Baily, John, 1850: Central America. Londres: Trelawney Saunders.

Bard, Samuel A, 1855: Waikna, or, Adventures on the Mosquito shore Publication: Nueva York: Harper & Brothers.

Barone, Jose Mario, 1930: Heart and will power; twenty thousand miles through the three Americas, Nueva York City, S.T.I.

Basterot, Florimond Jacques, Comte de, 1860: De Québec à Lima journal d'un voyage dans les deux Amériques en 1858 et en 1859. Paris: L. Hachette et cie.

Bastian, A. 1878: Die Culturlander des Alten America. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.

Batres Jáuregui, Antonio, 1833: Sketch of Guatemala, in Central America, Nueva York: Press of Las Novedades.

Batson, Alfred, 1931: Vagabond’s Paradise, Boston, Little, Brown and Company.

Beale, Marie Oge, 1932: Flight into America's past; Inca peaks and Maya jungles, Nueva York, Londres, G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Bell, Charles N., 1899: Tangweera; Life and Adventures Among Gentle Savages... Londres: E. Arnold.

Belly, Felix, 1868: A travers l’Amerique Centrale, Le Nicaragua et le interoceanique. Paris.

Belt, Thomas, and Anthony Belt, 1911: The Naturalist in Nicaragua. Everyman’s Library. Londres y Nueva York: J M Dent E. P. Dutton & Co.

Bianconi, F, 1886: Texte et carte commerciale de la République du Guatemala avec notice descriptive. Paris: Imp. Chaix.

Blaney, Henry R., 1900: The Golden Caribbean; A Winter Visit to the Republics of Colombia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main via Boston and New Orleans. Boston, Lee and Shepard.

Boddam-Whetham, J. W., 1877: Across Central America. Londres, Hurst and Blackett.

Boucard, Adolphe, 1894. Travels of a Naturalist. Bournemouthe.

Boumphrey, J. T., 1928: Down Where There's No To-morrow,  Los Angeles, Calif.: House of Ralston.

Bovallius, Carl Erik Alexander, 1887: Resa i Central-Amerika, 1881-1883. Uppsala: B. Almqvist & J. Wiksell's Boktryckeri 1887.

Boyle, Frederick, b.  1868 (1841): A Ride Across a Continent: A Personal Narrative of Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Londres: R. Bentley.

Brasseur de Bourbourg Charles Etienne, & Louis F. A. Maury, 1855: Notes d'un voyage dans l'Amerique Centrale; lettres a M. Alfred Maury. Paris: E. Thunot et Cie.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne, 1925: “Un viaje a los estados de San Salvador y Guatemala.” Anales de la Sociedad de Geografia e Historia de Guatemala 1, no. 3 (1925): 203-13.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne, 1857: Aperçus d’un voyage dans les états de San-Salvador et de Guatémala. Paris.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne, 1857-59: Histoire des nations civilizées du Mexique et de l’Amerique-Centrale.

Brigham, William Tufts, 1887: Guatemala the Land of the Quetzal; a Sketch. Nueva York: C. Scribner’s Sons.

Brigham, William Tufts, 1965: Guatemala: The Land of the Quetzal. Latin American Gateway Series. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

Brine, Lindesay, 1894: Travels Amongst American Indians Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples: Including a Journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan, and a Visit to the Ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque and Uxmal. Londres: S. Low, Marston & Company.

Brouez, Prosper, 1846: Une colonie Belge. Typographie de Mme. Lelouchier.

Brown, Lilian Mabel Alice Roussel, 1925: Unknown Tribes, Uncharted Seas. Nueva York: D. Appleton and Company.

Brown, Richmond, Lady, 1924: Op reis naar het onbekende: ontdekkingstocht van een vrouw naar de onbekende Indianen-stammen van Centraal-Amerika, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.

Bury, Herbert, 1911: A Bishop amongst Bananas. Londres: W. Gardner, Darton.

Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1898: Lost in Nicaragua; or, Among Coffee Farms and Banana Lands, in the Countries of the Great Canal, Boston, Chicago, W.A. Wilde & Co.

Byam, George, 1849: Wild Life in the Interior of Central America. Londres: J.W. Parker.

Byam, George, 1850: Wanderings in Some of the Western Republics of America. With Remarks Upon the Cutting of the Great Ship Canal through Central America, Londres, J.W. Parker.

Cande, De Maussion, 1850: Notice sur le golfe de Honduras et la republique du Centre-Amerique. Paris: Imprimerie administrative de P. Dupont.

Cantonnet des Fossi (?), Henri Louis, 1889: Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1889.

Capella, Jacinto, 1916: La ciudad tranquila (Guatemala); impresiones de un viaje a través del país de la eterna primavera,Madrid, Imprenta “La Moderna poesía”.

Carpenter, Frank. G., 1925: Lands of the Caribbean.

Carpenter, Rhys, 1920: The Land beyond Mexico. Boston: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press.

Castaneda, Hilda De, 1900: Beautiful Honduras: Experiences in a Small Town on the Caribbean, Londres: A.H. Stockwell.

Castillo, Carlos; Sparkman, Colley F, 1939: De México a Guatemala, Boston; Heath.

Charles, Cecil, 1890: Honduras the Land of Great Depths. Chicago Nueva York: Rand, McNally & Co.

Charnay, Désiré, 1885: Les anciennes villes du Nouveau Monde: voyages d'explorations au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale, Paris: Librarie Hachette et cie.

Charnay, Désiré; Gonimo, J.: Conant, Helen S., 1888: The ancient cities of the New World Being Voyages and Explorations in Mexico and Central America from 1857-1882, Nueva York: Harper & Brothers.

Childers, James Saxon, 1936: Sailing South American Skies. Nueva York: Farrar & Rinehart,inc., 1936.

Cockburn, John, mariner, 1740: The unfortunate Englishmen, or, A faithful narrative of the distresses and adventures of John Cockburn and five other English mariners ..., who were taken by a Spanish guarda costa in the John and Anne, Edward Burt, master, and set on shore at a place call'd Porto-Cavallo ..., containing a journey over land from the Gulph of Honduras to the great South Sea ... as also an account of the manners, customs, and behaviour of the several Indians inhabiting a tract of land of 2400 miles ...  Londres: Impreso y vendido por los libreros de Londres y Westminster.

Cockburn, John, mariner, 1735: A Journey Over Land, from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South-Sea. Londres, C. Rivington.

Cockburn, John, 1735: A Journey Over Land from the Gulph of Honduras to the Great Southsea. Londres.

Codazzi, Agostino, 1930: Memorie inedite di Agostino Codazzi, sui suoi viaggi per l'Europa e nelle Americhe (1816-1822), Milán: Edizioni "Alpes".

Colquhoun, Archibald R, 1895: The Key of the Pacific the Nicaragua Canal. Westminster: A. Constable and Company.

Compagnie belge de colonisation, 1843: Colonisation dans l’Amérique Centrale du District de Santo-Thomas de Guatemala par la Communauté de l’Unión.  Renseignements généraux. Paris: Rignoux.

Conder, Josiah, Sidney Hall, and Henry Adlard, 1825: Mexico and Guatimala. The Modern Traveller. Londres: Printed for J. Duncan [and 3 others].

Condor, Josiah, 1830: A Popular Description of Mexico and Guatemala.

Cordan, Wolfgang, 1963: Secret of the Forest on the Track of Maya Temples. Londres: Gollancz.

Corlett, William Thomas, 1908: The American Tropics. Cleveland: The Burrows Brothers Co.

Cranston, Claudia, 1936: Sky Gypsy:  25,000 Miles by Flying Clipper Ships over South America, Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Philadelphia: B. Lippincott Company.

Crespi, Pachita, 1947: Wings over Central America, Nueva York, C. Scribner's Sons.

Crosby, Elisha Oscar and Charles A. Barker, 1945: Memoirs of Elisha Oscar Crosby Reminiscences of California and Guatemala from 1849 to 1864. Huntington Library Publications. San Marino, Calif.: The Huntington Library.

Crowe, Frederick, 1986: La Biblia en Guatemala, trad. David Escobar. Aberdeen, MD: D. Escobar.

Crowe, Frederick, 1850: The gospel in Central America; containing a sketch of the country, physical and geographical, historical and political, moral and religious: a history of the Baptist mission in British Honduras, and of the introduction of the Bible into the Spanish American republic of Guatemala. Londres: C. Gilpin.

Crowther, S., 1929: Romance and Rise of the American Tropics.

Cunningham, Eugene, 1922: Gypsying Through Central America. Londres: T.F.Unwin, 1922.

D’Arlach, H. de T., 1850: Souvenirs de L’Amerique Centrale. Paris: Charpentier.

Davies, Nigel, 1986: Voyagers to the New World. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Davis, Richard Harding, 1896: Three Gringo’s in Venezuela and Central America. Nueva York: Harper & Brothers.
de Belot, Gustave, 1865: La Republique de Salvador. Paris: Chez Duntu, Libraire, 1865.

Diego García del Palacio, J. Escobar, G. Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, A. de Lebrija, H. Martinez de la Marcha, and J. de Velasco, 1840: Recueil de documents et mémoires originaux sur l'histoire des possessions espagnoles dans l'Amérique à diverses époques de la conquête, renfermant des détails curieux sur les moeurs, les coutûmes et les usages des Indiens, leurs relations avec les Espagnols, et sur la géographie et l'histoire naturelle de ces contées. Paris: Gide.

Dodge, David, 1948: How lost was my weekend:a greenhorn in Guatemala, Nueva York: Random House.

Dollfuss, Auguste, and Eugène Mont-Serrat, 1868: Voyage géologique dans les republiques de Guatemala et de Salvador. Paris.

Domville-Fife, Charles William, 1913: Guatemala and the States of Central America. Londres: Francis Griffiths.

Duflot de Mofras, Eugene, 1844: Exploration du territorie de l'Oregon: des Californies et de la mer vermeille, executée pendant les années 1840, 1841 et 1842. Paris: Arthus Bertrand.

Duflot de Mofras, Eugene, 1850: Wanderings in some of the western republics of America: with remarks upon the cutting of the great ship canal through Central America. Londres: John W. Parker.

Dunlop, Robert Glasgow, 1847: Travels in Central America, being a journal of nearly three years' residence in the country. Londres: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

Dunn, Henry, 1960: Guatemala: o, Las Provincias Unidas de Centro América durante 1827 a 1828; siendo bosquejos y memorandums durante una residencia de doce meses en aquella república, trad. Ricardo de León.  Guatemala: Tip. Nacional.

Dunn, Henry, 1829: Guatimala, or the Republic of Central America, in 1827-8: Being Sketches and Memorandums Made During a Twelve-Months' Residence, Londres: J. Nisbet.

Elliott, Lillian Elwyn, 1924: Central America, New Paths in Ancient Lands. Londres: Metheun & Co. LTD.

Enault, Louis, 1867: L’Amerique Centrale et Meridionale. Paris: F. de P. Mellado et Cie.

Enock, Charles Reginald, 1913: The Republics of Central and South America. Londres: J.M.Dent & Sons, Ltd.

Fergusson, Erna, 1937: Guatemala. Nueva York, Londres: A. A. Knopf.

Fergusson, Erna, 1946: Guatemala. Nueva York: A. A. Knopf.

Filio, Carlos, 1946: Tierras de centroamerica. Mexico.

Fitzroy, Robert, and Felix Belly, 1853: Further Considerations on the Great Isthmus of Central America. Londres: W. Clowes and Sons.

Fitzroy, Robert, 1851: Considerations on the great isthmus of Central America. Londres: W. Clowes and Sons.

Foote, Mrs., 1869: Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa. Londres: T. Cautley Newby.

Foster, Harry Latourette., 1924: A Gringo in Mañana-Land. Nueva York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1925; Londres: John Lane the Bodley Head Ltd.

Francios T. de Lapelin, and France. Ministère de la marine et des colonies, 1854: Reconnaissance hydrographique des côtes occidentales du Centre Amérique executée par la corvette la Brillante... Pub. sous le ministère de M. Théodore Ducos .. Paris: Typ. de F. Didot frères.

Franck, Harry Alverson, 1916: Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond. Nueva York: The Century Co.

Franck, Harry Alverson, 1926: Mexico and Central America.

Freeman, Lewis R., 1932: Afloat and Aflight in the Caribbean. Nueva York: Dodd Mead.

Fröbel, Julius, 1857: Aus Amerika. Erfahrungen, Reisen und Studien. Leipzig: J.J. Weber.

Froebel, Julius, 1859: Seven Years Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico and the Far West of the United States. Londres: Richard Bentley.

Frobel, Julius, 1859: Alexander von Humboldt: eine Darstellung seines Lebens und wissenschaftlichen…, Berlin: Gustav Hempel.

Frobel, Julius, 1978: Siete años de viaje.  Trans. Luciano Cuadra.  Managua; Banco de América, 1978.

Gage, Thomas, 1648: The English-American, and his travail by sea and land: or, A new survey of the West-India's containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America: with a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called, Poconchi ... Londres, Printed by R. Cotes.

Gann, Thomas William Francis, 1928: Discoveries and Adventures in Central America. Londres: Duckworth.

Gann, Thomas William Francis, 1939: Glories of the Maya. Nueva York: Scribner.

Gann, Thomas William Francis, 1924: In an Unkown Land. Londres.

Gann, Thomas William Francis, 1925: Mystery Cities. Exploration and Adventure in Lubaantun. Nueva York: Scribner.

Gann, Thomas William Francis, 1925: Mystery Cities. Exploration and Adventure in Lubaantun. Nueva York: Scribner.

George, Marian M., 1929: A Little Journey to Mexico and Central America. Chicago: A. Flanagan Company.

Gómez Naranjo, Pedro Alejandro, 1950: Faro de cinco luces; perfiles de Centro América, Bucaramanga, Impr. del Departamento.

Gutierrez y Ulloa, Antonio, 1962: Estado general de la Provincia de San Salvador, Reyno de Guatemala. San Salvador: Ministerio de Educación Pública. Dirección General de Publicaciones.

Habel, Simeon, 1878: The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala. With an Account of Travels in Central America and on the Western Coast of South America. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Haefkens, J, 1832: Centraal Amerika uit een geschiedkundig, aardrijkskundig en statistiek oogpunt beschouwd. Te Dordrecht: bij Blusse en Van Braam.

Haefkens, J, 1827: Reize naar Guatemala. 's Gravenhage: W.K. Mandemaker.

Haefkens, J, 1969: Viaje a Guatemala y Centroamérica, trad. Theodora J. M. van Lottum.  Ed. Rev, notes and thematic index, Francis Gall.  Prologue, Luis Lujan Muñoz.  Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria.

Haefkens, Jacobo, 1969: Viaje a Guatemala y Centroamerica, Vols. 1-3. Socieded de Geografia e Historia de Guatemala.

Hager, Alice Rogers, 1940: Wings over the Americas, Nueva York, Macmillan Co., 1940.

Hale, J.; Borradaile, William C., 1826: Six months residence and travels in Central America through the free states of Nicaragua, and particularly Costa Rica: giving an interesting account of that beautiful country ...: with the peculiar advantages offered by the government to settlers, showing the most eligible place for cutting the projected canal, to unite the Atlantic and Pacific oceans ..., New-York: Published by the author, and sold by W. Borradaile.

Hale, John, 1972: Costa Rica en el Siglo XIX, descrita por John Hale [et al.]; introd. Notas y trad., Ricardo Fernández Guardia. San José: Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana.

Halle, Louis J. jr., 1936: Transcaribbean:  A Travel Book of Guatemala, El Salvador. British Honduras. Nueva York: Logmans, Green and Co.

Hancock, Ralph,1947: The rainbow republics; Central America. Nueva York, Coward.

Harris, William Richard, 1905: Days and Nights in the Tropics. Toronto: Morang & Co., Limited.

Hawkes, John, 1864: A Steam Trip to the Tropics; or, The Description of a Visit to the West Indies. Including Part of Central and South America, Londres, C.J. Skeet.

Heine, Wilhelm, 1857: Wanderbilder aus Central-Amerika. Skizzen eines deutschen Malers, Leipzg, O. Purfürst.

Heine, Wilhelm. & Friedrich Gerstacker, 1853: Wanderbilder aus Central-Amerika. Skizzen eines deutschen Malers. Leipzig: H. Costenoble.

Herran, Victor, 1853: Notice sur les cinq états du Centre-Amérique. Bordeaux: Imprimerie de A. Pechade.

Hersey, Jean, 1947: Halfway to Heaven a Guatemala Holiday. Nueva York: Prentice-Hall.

Hill, Harry W. (ed.), 1929: President-elect Herbert Hoover's good will cruise to Central and South America, this being a log of the trip aboard the U.S.S. Maryland. San Francisco: Book Press, 1929.

Holinski, Alexander, 1855: La Californie et les Routes Interocéaniques. Bruxelles: A. Labroue Et Compagnie.

Hort, Alfred, 1887: Via Nicaragua a Sketch of Travel. Londres: Remington & Co.

Houlson, Jane Harvey.; Mitchell-Hedges, F. A., 1934: Blue blaze; danger and delight in strange islands of Honduras, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co.

Huston, R. G., 1875: Journey in Honduras and jottings by the way: inter-oceanic railway, Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co.

Huxley, Aldous, 1935: Beyond the Mexique Bay. Nueva York: Harper and Brothers, 1934; Hamburg ; Paris: Albatross Verlag.

Huxley, Aldous, 1935: Croisière d'hiver; voyage en Amérique centrale, Paris, Plon.

Idell, Albert E., 1949: Doorway in Antigua; a sojourn in Guatemala. Nueva York: Sloane.

Isaguirre, R.R., 1998: A Lomo de Mula Viajando por Honduras y Alrededores, 1918-1933: Descripciones Hechas por los Agregados Militares Norteamericanos en Centroamérica. Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Editorial Guaymuras.

Jackson, Joseph Henry, 1937:  Notes on a drum; travel sketches in Guatemala. Nueva York, Macmillan Co.

James, Winifred Lewellin, 1913: The Mulberry Tree. Londres: Chapman and Hall, ltd., 1913.

Jarves, James Jackson, and Hammatt Billings, 1843: Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands: and a trip through Central America ; being observations from my note-book during the years 1837-1842. Boston: James Munroe.

Jordan, William F., 1926: Central American Indians and the Bible. Nueva York: Fleming H. Revell Co.

Joyce, Lilian Elwyn Elliott, 1924: Central America, new paths in ancient lands, Londres: Methuen.

Keenagh, Peter, 1938: Mosquito coast; an account of a journey through the jungles of Honduras,  Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.

Kelleher, Michael T., 1944: South of the Border. S.l.: S.n..

Key, Helmer, (1864-1939); Cohn, Alphons Fedor, 1929: Kaffee, Zucker und Bananen; eine Reise nach Cuba und Guatemala. München: Drei Masken Verlag A.G.

Kroupa, B. 1890: An Artist’s Tour; Gleanings and Impressions of Travel in North and Central America and the Sandwich Islands, by B. Kroupa. With Thirty-Four Illustrations by the Author. Londres: Ward and Downey.

La Varre, William, 1940: Southward Ho: A Treasure Hunter.

Laferrière, Joseph, 1877: De Paris à Guatémala; notes de voyages au Centre-Amérique, 1866-1875. Paris: Garnier Frères, Libraires-Edituers.

Lamb, Dana, 1938: Enchanted Vagabonds. Nueva York & Londres.

Lambert de Sainte-Croix, Alexandre, 1897: Onze mois au Mexique et au Centre-Amérique. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit & Cie.

Landenberger, Emil, 1922: Durch Zentral-Amerika:  Erinerungen an Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala. Stuttgart-Cannstatt: Gustave Hopf, Verlag.

Langworthy, Franklin, and Paul C. Phillips, 1932: Scenery of the Plains, Mountains and Mines. Edited by Paul C. Phillips. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Langworthy, Franklin, 1855: Scenery of the plains, mountains and mines: or, A diary kept upon the overland route to California, by way of the Great Salt Lake…embracing the return by the Pacific Ocean and Central America, in the years 1850, '51, '52 and '53. Ogdensburgh [N.Y.]: J.C. Sprague.

Lardé de Venturino, Alice, 1946: Mi América, odisea de un colegial salvadoreño a través de Centro y Sud América. Rosario: Editorial Ruiz.

Larenaudière, de, 1847: Mexique et Guatemala. Paris.

Lentz, Franz Josef, 1930: Aus dem Hochlande der Maya; Bilder und Menschen an meinen Wegen durch Guatemala.  Stuttgart, Strecker und Schröder.

Leyland, J., 1866: Adventures in the Far Interior of South Africa, Including a Journey to Lake Ngami and Rambles in Honduras to Which is Appended a Short Treatise on the Best Mode of Skinning and Preserving Birds, &c. ; Also Receipts for Making Preservatives. Londres: G. Routledge.

Lydston, G. Frank, 1900: Panama and the Sierras; a doctor's wander days, Chicago, Riverton Press.

M., T.E., 1858. Recent Travellers in Central America. Londres.

Maire, A., 1854: Renseignements sur le Centre-Amerique, recueillis pendant le voyage de La Mélanie, 1823. Paris: Imprimerie royale.

Manington, George, 1925: The West Indies, with British Guiana and British Honduras, Nueva York, C. Scribner's Sons.

Marr, Wilhem, 1863: Reise nach Central-Amerika. Hamburg: Otto Meissner.

Matschat, Cecile Hulse, 1939: Seven Grass Huts; An Engineer’s Wife in Central-and-South America. Nueva York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.

Maudslay, Anne Cary Morris, and Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1899: A Glimpse of Guatemala and Some Notes on the Ancient Monuments of Central America. Londres: J. Murray.

Mitchell-Hedges, F. A., 1931: Land of Wonder and Fear. Nueva York: The Century Co.

Montgomery, George Washington, 1839: Narrative of a Journey to Gauatemala in Central America, in 1838. Nueva York: Wiley & Putnam.

Mordaunt, Elinor, 1932: Purely for Pleasure. Londres: M. Secker, 1932.

Morelet, Arthur, 1872: Reisen in Central-Amerika. Jena: Hermann Costenoble.

Morelet, Arthur, 1871: Travels in Central America, including accounts of some regions unexplored since the conquest.  Trans. Mrs. M. F. Squier, Introduction and notes by G. E. Squier.  Nueva York: Leypoldt, Holt & Williams.

Morelet, Arthur, 1857: Voyage dans l'Amérique Centrale: l'île de Cuba et le Yucatan, Paris: Gide et J. Baudry.

Morlan, Albert, 1897: A Hoosier in Honduras, Indianapolis, Ind., El Dorado.

Morrell, Z. N., 1873: Flowers and Fruits from the Wilderness or, Thirty-Six Years in Texas and Two Winters in Honduras. Boston: Gould and Lincoln.

Morrill, Gulian Lansing, 1916: Rotten Republics, A Tropical Tramp in Central America. M.A.Danahue and Co.

Myers, Henry Morris, and P. V. N. Myers, 1871: Life and Nature under the Tropics or, Sketches of Travels Among the Andes, and on the Orinoco, Rio Negro, Amazons, and in Central America. Nueva York: D. Appleton and company.

Myionnet Dupuy, Auguste, 1853: Deux Ans de Sejour dans l’État de Nicaragua 1850, 1851, 1852. Paris: Imprimerie Poussielgue Masson.

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